Repeat Prescriptions
We do not believe that it is in the best interests of your health to issue repeat prescriptions and referrals without seeing you. Please ensure that all your prescriptions and referrals are up to date when consulting your doctor. There is a charge for repeat prescriptions that are requested without a doctor’s consultation.
Results of Tests & Procedures
You are requested to ring the surgery to obtain results of any tests that have been organised for you. If results are abnormal, your doctor will require to you to make an appointment to enable these to be discussed with you. The practice actively encourages patients to discuss with their doctor the purpose, importance, benefits and risks associated with their care.
Reminder System
Because our practice is committed to
preventive care, we encourage all patients to sign up for our reminder system. Your doctor will request your permission to be included in the system when you have your appointment.
Once you’re in the system, we may issue reminder notices for preventive health services appropriate to your care at the appropriate times. If you wish to leave this system at any time, simply let your doctor or the reception staff know.
Your medical records is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
A separate information brochure is available detailing the strict confidentiality requirements practiced by all of our staff.
At times patients may need to be referred to a Medical Specialist and if necessary patient health information is transmitted via an encrypted secure messaging format including a copy of the patient's current health summary.
Acessing your medical records
You have the right to access health information about yourself that we hold in our medical records.
Please speak to your doctor or to the reception staff if you would like to avail yourself of this information.
Patient Feedback
From time to time we may ask you to complete a confidential practice questionnaire to survey your views about the practice and services provided. We invite comments and suggestions about any aspect of our service to you.
Please feel free to talk to the receptionist or doctor, about any problems you have with the service we provide for you.
We believe that any problems are best dealt within the practice. We would like to know if you are concerned about any aspect of our service. However, if you feel there is a problem you may wish to take up outside our practice, you may prefer to contact the NSW Government Centre for handling complaints at:
Health Care Complaints Commission
Address: Locked Mail Bag 18 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Fax: (02) 9281 4585
For our appointments, home visits, and walk-in policies, please see our Contact Us
We do not use electronic messaging as a form of communication with our patients.
We do use SMS reminders of appointments.